Friday, February 17, 2012

If I Were a Girl

If I were a girl,
I would blush and hide
when a cute guy is seducing me;

If I were a girl,
I would know
what girls face
when they meet bad boys;

If I were a girl,
I would understand
why girls fall in the wrong hands;

If I were a girl,
I would understand
how girls feel
when they get played;

If I were a girl,
I would understand
why girls turn wild
when cheated several times;

If I were a girl,
I would feel
the temptation other girls face
when money is on their cross road;

If I were a girl,
I would be like her
confused and never know
if a boy is for real or not;
If I were a girl,
I would know
all the girlish ways to say No to a boy
without hurting him so much;

If I were a girl,
I would know what
a boy can say to a girl to open her heart;

Since am a boy,
am sorry I don't understand
all that you say in your girlish ways;

Since am a boy,
am trying to impress you
maybe my empty words will amuse your heart
and make your heart open for me;

It all remains as "If I were a girl....",
but since am a boy,
wish to learn all that makes a girl
and be a better boy.

Dedicated to all the caring and wise boys out there,
Think twice before you hurt her.

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