Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Memories Left Within

Remember the day we saw each other,
Near the gardens, the garden of gardens,
The gardens that blow lovers mind,
With the beauty it hold;

I saw that light in your eyes,
Shining with a pure sparkle,
Confusing me with the beauty you hold,
Burning my loneliness with the scent of your perfume,
Just by the distance,
Dreaming to be kissed by you,
Trembling just by the fear of your smooth touch,
When kissing me;

Remember the days when we use to cry for each other,
The cry that even the heavens would listen with passion,
And drop the tears to the ground,
Drizzling just to shower blessings onto us;

Remember the nights that we use to spend together,
Under the illumination of the stars,
Counting them,
Naming them,
Swearing our love upon them,
Cherishing that love that felt deep down our hearts;

Remember those days we ran from all our fears,
And protected each other,
Drowning all our fears and worries,
And burying them deep under,
Striking them with the lightning of our love;

Remember the days,
Just by the fire side,
Pairing each other,
Singing the inner rhyme by heartbeat,
Feeling the temperature of our body rising,
Baby it must have meant something to you;

As for I,
This is what you did to me,

You engraved a love mark,
Deep down my heart,
That can't be removed;

You filled my blood,
With your love,
That can't be cleaned;

You set your timer,
In my mind,
That can't be stopped;

You drugged my memories,
With your smooth talks,
That can't be whipped;

Your kindness,
Softened my heart,
That can't be hardened;

Now you’re all gone,
And am just left with these memories,
That will for always stay within.

Dedication to my readers.

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