Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What If

What if the world is at its down fall,
Will you give me a call?
What if the world is going to burst into flames,
Will you call me names?
What if all the mirrors are going to break,
Will you look into my eyes and fake?
What if the love songs don't matter anymore to you,
Will you drown your sorrows in me?

What if you ran out of luck,
Will you come to me and let me be your luck?
What if you crave for him and he's not there,
Will you call me to replace him?
What if you wish to dream of him but you see me in your dreams,
Will you accept the dream that you're having about me?
What if he calls and you fantasize my voice in him,
Will you stop calling him just because you feel my presence in him?
What if you feel my presence close to him,
Will you run and hide to avoid him?

What if you were told to choose a survivor,
Will you survive with me?
What if you needed a hero by your side,
Will you stand by me?
What if you want a body guard to protect you,
Will you choose me?
What if this poem touches your heart,
Will you take time to let me know?

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