Tuesday, February 14, 2012

You and I Are Meant To Be

Days turn into months,
Summing up to a year,
One, two and more to be engineered,
As our lives moves from A to B,
You and I are meant to be;

Not knowing you would have been the worst night-mere,
Spending time with you is the best idea,
Climbing the highs and lows is not something weird,
But for this Valentine you and I like love pioneers,
Together we will steer,
Our love boat towards the end of love sphere,
As for you and I are meant to be;

Thank  you for being so understanding,
Thank you for the love you share,
And in this square,
I promise to always be here,
As for you and I are meant to be.

Dedication to Mama Koku from Baba Koku

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