Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Mix

I'm cold,
I mean am shivering,
But yet so hot like am literally burning from the inside,
I'm having the best time of my life yet the worst,
My fantasies are a pleasant reality,
I mean am living the Vida loca,
But yet that dark hunting nightmare is also part of the reality,
There is so much passion but yet so much pain,
My heart bleeds into a zillion droplets,
The pain is consuming but so is the passion,
The line between love and hate has never been so thin,
And so is also the burning desire for a future which is just a mystery,
But so is the universe we live in,
When we are young we just can wait to grow up,
But now I just wanna be a kid again,
Knowledge, love and sacrifice have I been bestowed as gifts,
But so was pain, betrayal and confusion,
But then again the sun still shines,
Tomorrow brings fought hope.

Composed by Ukeme Etuknwa

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