Saturday, February 25, 2012

Impossible Are My Type

Every day we meet them in Skype,
Facebook, Tweeter and the dance floor,
They try to make us know,
That they are the Kings and Queens of the indoors,
They tend to take control,
Some go slow,
And others tend to move so fast like lava flow,
Just then I know,
These are the usual;

The usual are not my type,
They want to get the normal bite,
To feel if the fruits are ripe,
And taste the waters in your pipe,
Just a sip and off your wiped,
Impossible are my type;

Impossible will be there to stay,
At first making impossible for prey,
They will play you,
To see if you go astray,
They will put you on display,
Just to be sure they are okay,
They will delay,
But when they are sure,
They will visit you in Bombay,
And never betray,

Impossible are my type.

Question to my Readers,
What is your type?
The usual or Impossible?

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