Friday, March 9, 2012

Home Coming

Tall structures is all I see,
Short manners is all I get,
Selfishness is well spread,
Still Home coming, feels good coming home.

Soul food put smile on my face,
No one is gonna give me what they took,
I have to get what is mine,
No matter what it takes,
Home coming, I am here back home.

I am back to where I belong,
It is dark no familiar faces,
It was bright all I see is criminal cases,
Home coming, it feels good home coming.

Dirty streets full of flings,
I am sick with all these strings,
Sisters in the streets searching for sticks,
Home coming, dirty home I am back.

To settle is not an option,
Success is what I am opting,
My back facing abduction,
My knuckles getting compression,
In the streets I need protection,
I am back, home town I am back.

Composed by Ally Bukuku/Buchicks

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