Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Half Full, Half Empty

The weather is so nice; branches of the trees are swinging,
Environment rich with peace, birds on the tree are singing,
Glass of mango juice with ice, bass guitar on the side is playing,
My life is half full and not half empty.

Your lingerie in my hands I am holding, your aroma is never forgotten,
Posh life now you are living, that’s the reason for our separation,
You say you miss my loving; without me it is never the same,
Separate lives we are leading, without each other is nothing but stress,
Our lives are half empty and not half full.

Your living a good life, you have all necessities of life
Ups and downs plus stress, shouldn’t make you freeze,
Look back on the life that has passed, and count your success,
The world is the better place, if you know your strengths,
Your cup half full or half empty that is what I am asking you to digest.

Composed by Ally Bukuku/Buchicks

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