Sunday, April 8, 2012

Standing Among Chosen Stars in Heaven

A day has passed with false hope that I’m just dreaming,
But everywhere I go people are just screaming,
From children to adults they are crying,
Facebook, Google plus and tweeter fans are mourning,
Calling out your name with deep pains they are revealing,
You have fallen but now standing among chosen stars in heaven;

You're gone, gone, gone too soon for our hearts to bear,
Your family needed you the most for the love to share,
The movie industry needed you to grow because you had talents that are rare,
Fans will forever remember you and there is no one like you to compare,
You have fallen but now standing among chosen stars in heaven;

Spring and summer shall pass,
Autumn and winter like forecast,
Kanumba’s family and fans are stack in this painful class,
Nowhere to go but just bear this painful stress till we’ll surpass,
You have fallen but now standing among chosen stars in heaven;

With all the wishes and dreams,
Father in heaven has spoken,
Calling upon his son among sons,
May the Lord's will be done,
May the Lord’s grace shower upon “mama Kanumba” and family,
My deepest condolences to Kanumba’s family and fans,
As he's now standing among chosen stars in heaven.
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1 comment:

  1. Kila nikisoma nashukwa na machoziiii.....R.I.P Kanumba
